ChoiceScript IDE Pre-Launch Event

ChoiceScript IDE Pre-Launch Event

To celebrate the imminent release of the ChoiceScript IDE we’ll be hosting a Pre-Launch livestream event on the 18th of September. This session will give you a chance to see CSIDE in action ahead of time and decide if it could make a difference to how you develop your interactive fiction (or get you interested in the first place!).

You’ll have a chance to see a variety of its features in action alongside a Q&A with the designers and developer and a start to finish ‘bare bones project’ workshop.

Bring all your questions, eagerness and curiosity - we hope to see you there!

Watch & Chat on YouTube


Hi, I'm CJW, and I design and develop the ChoiceScript IDE. I have been using ChoiceScript for five years, and developing the current iteration of CSIDE for three (2017). I have little to my name in the way of authorships, but have founded an interest and passion for providing technical help and support to other aspiring authors.

My professional background is in computer science and web development, and my Choice of hobbies stemmed from an unhealthy and cliche obsession with fantasy (and science fiction) books and video games.

CSIDE Update 2019

See what's in-store for CSIDE in the coming year Continue reading

Legacy CS Development Tools

Published on June 11, 2017